The Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering aims at training young engineers with an advanced education, providing them with skills in designing, planning and managing complex activities of research and development in an industrial environment. This goal is achieved by means of a broad training proposal based on advanced mathematics and physics, and professional expertise targeted to the solution of complex engineering problems concerning design of processes, plants, systems, devices, machines. Engineering Design professionals educated at Sapienza can work as technology specialists in a wide range of fields, including manufacturing, mechatronic, transportation (automotive, naval, aeronautical and railroad), conventional and renewable energy production, biomechanics and many others. In these settings mechanical engineers are responsible for design, testing, manage, research and development services.
How to attend:
You can access in the Faculty if you have: - Green pass (with exception if defined by Italian law)
- passport or other personal document
- booked seats in the classes you want to attend.
How to book the seat:
by the prodigit system ( )
from tuesday to thursday one week matricolas that have enfjng numbers from 00 up to 49, the next from 50 to 99.
On thusday evening if some seats will be still available no l8mits of matricolas are imposed from friday to Sunday
You need a reservation for each classroom of your courses.
What to do if you cannot attend on-site:
online connections will be provided. See Bacheca Docente (Find your teacher | Catalogo dei Corsi di studio) of each professor to see how to join the virtual classes
New Scheduling of the exam dates of june and july 2020 Here the link to read the updated scheduling of June and July exam sessions: For June the exams will be "at-distance exams" following the rules already described in the announce about exams for the March-May Session For the July session, we are waiting for new guidelines. Here you will find updates as soon as they arrive. 15/05/2020
Exam Dates - Online Written Exams
you will find the rector decree about the rules for online written exams.
As attached files here, you can find the guidelines about the software and hardware requirements that are necessary to attend the exams and the information about the rules you have to observe. Through infostud email , Professors will provide you explanations about the specific rules for the exams you will attend
Exam Dates New Scheduling
In the attached files the new scheduling for the exam sessions of April is provided. Exams will be made at distance (see the link: Detailed procedures for each exams will be emailed by professors through Infostud.
We remind that this exam session is only for students that are "fuori corso" or that are at the II year having less than 60 cfu already passed.
Sessione di Laurea Marzo 2020
Thesis Discussion on March 2020 Si avvisano gli allievi laureandi che la sessione di laurea di marzo 2020, come stabilito per legge e in ottemperanza del decreto del Rettore, si terrà in via telematica con modalità che verranno rese note nei dettagli esecutivi nei prossimi giorni attraverso le mail istituzionali degli allievi.Si prega pertanto di attendere istruzioni. Grazie
Students that have to defend their thesis on March 2020, will discuss it through " a distance procedure" through teleconference, as requested by the government disposal. Practical rules will be announced through e-mails sent to the official address provided to every student by Sapienza (
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
) . You are kindly requested to wait for the instructions. Thank you
EMERGENZA CORONAVIRUS / EMERGENCY CORONAVIRUS Si allega il riepilogo delle attività di teledidattica offerte per la laurea di I livello e la laurea magistrale in ingegneria meccanica.
Here a view at glance of the distance learning offered for the mechanical engineering (look for MMER). 16 marzo 2020 |
Teaching Support Area of Departement of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering This office will remain available "remotely": Quaresima Antonella:
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Lo Bello Angela:
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Ermini Benedetta:
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March 12, 2020 |
Wash your hand frequently with soap and water or alcohol-based rub
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
Practice respiratory hygiene This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately
Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. However reduce direct physical contact with persons (handshakes, kisses, ..) Libraries are opened but distance among people is mandatory. Personel will check the numbers of occupied seats and may ask to seat in in other rooms if necessary.
As you have seen lessons will not provided in classrooms up to the 15° of March. At-distance solutions are under study, co-ordination of the activities will be provided soon.
Exams and Theses will be held following instructions able to take care of the health advices provided by the law, in particular the rules of distance among people
March 9, 2020 |
internationalstudents September 25th. 2019 at 8.30 a.m.
Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering - San Pietro in Vincoli
Sala del Chiostro
Via Eudossiana 18, Rome
9:30 - Greetings Prof. Antonio D’Andrea, Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering
9:45 – Welcome and Orientation Prof. Fabio Giulii Capponi, CAM
10:30 – Central Library “G.Boaga”
10:45 – ESN Presentation
11:15 – World Coffee Break and Guided tour of the Faculty International Office
September 18, 2019
Rolls-Royce plc Career Event On Monday 16th October 2017, Rolls-Royce will hold a career event at Sapienza - University of Rome to inspire undergraduates and graduates to develop their career at Rolls-Royce. Rolls-Royce is known the world over for delivering excellence, creating high-performance, integrated power solutions for use on land, at sea and in the air and is currently looking for outstanding young talents to join its Internship and Graduate Development Programmes. Rolls-Royce Internship and Graduate opportunities are currently available in the following areas: Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Commercial, Customer Management & Services, Health, Safety & Environment (HSE), Purchasing, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Project Management or Human Resources. Rolls-Royce recruits on a first come first served basis, so you are strongly encouraged to apply for either the Graduate or Internship Programme as soon as possible and to complete the online assessments. To find out more visit or Two members of the Rolls-Royce University Campus Team will present the internship and graduate roles that are currently available, share their experiences and insights, and give you the opportunity to ask them questions. They will also review your CV to find talents that could pursue a fantastic career in one of the most outstanding firms in the world. The “CV Review - 1 to 1 Discussions” is aimed at finding outstanding candidates with the potential to join the Rolls-Royce Graduate and Internship Programmes, that are passionate about the company and that meet the following requirements: · CV must be written in English. · Fluency in English. · For All Graduate Programmes, a degree in a relevant subject achieved by August 2018 with a minimum of 2:1 (UK grading system) i.e. the final grade (expected or achieved) shall be at least 100/110 as per Italian grading system. If you meet these requirements and you think you have what it takes, please click on the link below to register for the “CV Review - 1 to 1 Discussions”: Please, be aware that the event will be conducted in English, including the CV Review. Find out more about the event description and agenda in the attached Rolls-Royce career event poster. October, 2th 2017 |
FOREIGN STUDENTS WELCOME DAY -20th of September 2017
The meeting is organized for meet and introduce 1st year students attending the second level degree in Mechanical Engineering, curriculum of Mechanical Engineering Design.
The orientation meeting will be held on September the 20th at 15:00 .
ROOM 38- Facolta di ingegneria civile e industriale
September 15, 2017
LIST OF CANDIDATES who have been admitted to the selection PUBLIC NOTICE prot. DIMA n. 323/2016– Rep. n. 15/2016 of 29-03-16 (Deadline 18-04-16).
April 22nd, 2016
PUBLIC NOTICE FOR THE AWARDING OF N. 4 SCHOLARSHIPS for the granting of n. 4 scholarships of € 5.000,00 gross each
PUBLIC NOTICE deadline: April 18th 2016 March 29, 2016
We are pleased to announce that the International Office of Sapienza has assigned 4 scholarships of 5000 euros for foreign students of the master degree in Mechanical Engineering Design. We will announce how to compete for the assignment soon. February 7, 2016 |